In this website we display the  list of the ongoing genetic and leaf shape study of  Chinese oak we sampled, please contact us for more information.

Species Population Individual Genetic data Leaf scanning Photo
Q. acrodonta 1 15 No No 0
Q. acutissima 1 8 No No 0
Q. aliena 52 552 1 (24 pop), 7 (1 ind) Yes 433
Q. aquifolioides 106 1400 4 (29 pop), 5 (58 pop), 7 (1 ind), 8 (18 pop), 9 (60 pop) Yes 353
Q. baronii 5 32 7 (1 ind) No 15
Q. cocciferoides 1 10 No No 13
Q. dentata 50 795 1 (31 pop) Yes 218
Q. dolicholepis 3 21 No No 26
Q. engleriana 2 7 7 (1 ind) No 16
Q. fabri 23 186 1 (18 pop), 7 (1 ind) Yes 146
Q. glauca 1 3 No No 0
Q. griffithii 8 69 1 (8 pop), 7 (1 ind) Yes 15
Q. guyavaefolia 7 54 2 (6 pop), 7 (1 ind), 8 (6 pop) Yes 45
Q. mongolica 11 84 1 (4 pop), 7 (1 ind) Yes 55
Q. monimotricha 9 77 2 (7 pop), 7 (1 ind), 8 (7 pop) Yes 283
Q. myrsinifolia 1 2 No No 0
Q. phillyraeoides 4 25 No No 11
Q. rehderiana 10 59 2 (9 pop), 7 (1 ind), 8 (7 pop) Yes 56
Q. semecarpifolia 13 155 2 (5 pop), 7 (1 ind), 8 (5 pop) Yes 42
Q. senescens 8 58 2 (7 pop), 7 (1 ind), 8 (7 pop) Yes 95
Q. serrata 40 268 1 (29 pop), 7 (2 ind) Yes 311
Q. spinosa 60 802 4 (46 pop), 7 (1 ind), 8 (18 pop) Yes 804
Q. stewardii 9 55 7 (1 ind) No 0
Q. tatakaensis 1 1 No No 0
Q. tungmaiensis 1 4 No No 17
Q. variabilis 7 143 3 (5 pop), 6 (5 pop) No 0
Q. yunnanensisi 4 28 1 (4 pop), 7 (1 ind) Yes 17


1: SSR 12 loci;

2: SSR 15 loci;

3: SSR 17 loci;

4: SSR 25 loci;

5: four cpDNA fragments (trnH-psbA, rpS16, trnS–trnT and trnQ–trnS);

6: five cpDNA fragments (accD-psaI-75R, rpS12- rpL20, trnH-psbA, rpS16, and trnQ–trnS);

7: chloroplast genome from 10× resequencing;

8: SNPs from 30× resequencing;

9: SNPs candidate gene of drought

The detail for the leaf image of each oak species see section Leaf Morphology.

 Last update: November of 2023


We thank Dr. Bin Liu (Institute of Botany, The Chinese Academy of Science, China); Dr. Yingchao Li (Institute of Forestry, Chinese Academy of Forestry, China); Prof. Jianquan Liu (Lanzhou University, China) for individual identification; graduate and undergraduate students from BFU for sampling, sorting and recording the sampling, they are: master student: Jia Song (2013-2016); Yuyao Wang (2015-2018); Yuan Liu (2015-2018); Yuejuan Li (2017-2020); Tianrui Wang (2017-2020); Wei Su (2018-2021); Yang Xu (2018-2021); Keke Liu (2019-2022); PhD candidate: Yanjun Luo (2022-) and PhD candidate: Min Qi (2021-).